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Welcome to the land of the Pharous

"Searching for Treasures"

Buyers! Dealers! Sellers!

Anyone interested in Antiques and collectibles all of this things and more you will find in this site. This site can send you many Antiques from God paradis on Earth the land of the pharous. This site will list an unbelievable and rare and not easy to buy from any where selection of Antiques.

In addition to work on marketing policy, We will be glad to supply all kinds of rar Antiques with the ability of delivering items directly to the buyers. The Group has an important and growing programes of activities related to marketing and advertising including establishing all kinds of Advertising materials such as video tapes, music, signs and all published materials such as posters, documents, bussines cards, T-shirts and mugs printings.

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   A Rar Unique Bible Old Printed At 1882 in Written in Latine Language it contans 923 Pages Natural plants paper size 12 x 15 cm including 6 rare Photos.




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